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Guest stories: Karri Anzini Crabbe

Jane Tolerton

My Dad had a restaurant on Cannery Row called The Outrigger. The very edge of Cannery

Row is the dividing line between two counties – Monteray and Pacific Grove – and is where

the Monteray Bay Aquarium is. Monteray Bay is as deep as the Grand Canyon and that’s why

it’s pretty widely researched.

They took over what used to be Doc’s Lab in John Steinbeck’s book, Cannery Row. Doc was

one of the characters in the novl, but he was a real person and did marine biology research


We had a whole class on just John Steinbeck’s books. That was driven by an English teacher

who had a real love for his literature, and the school let her run with it. When I took that class

my parents had divorced and I wasn’t doing well in school. The teacher decided to give me

East of Eden. She asked me to describe the meaning of the word ‘timshel’ – a Hebrew word

Steinbeck he talks about in the book.

‘Timshel’ means ‘to choose’. It has to do with twin boys and their mother ends up being the

head of a bordello, and one twin is bad, he thinks he had inherited his mother’s blood, while

the other son is like the father and follows the strait and narrow path. And there’s a Chinese

man who says you have a choice of what you do; you are not bound by your parents’ sins. I

think she made me read that to show me that my life was my own, that my parents were

putting me through hell but that I could live whatever life I wanted.

I married my high school sweetheart. About a year and a half after we were married his

grandmother died and as we were going through the house, which was nearby. We went

through all the books, and there was a first edition of East of Eden and it was autographed by

John Steinbeck. I said: ‘If I inherit anything from this family, I want it to be this’. My

husband’s mother put it under her bed for me.

I felt it was a message from God when I picked up this book and said: ‘This is my book!’ I

had never explained to my mother-in-law why it had meaning for me until I took care of her

recently after she had a fall and I went to nurse her. She brought it up: ‘You know where it

is,’ she said of the autographed copy of East of Eden. So I told her why it meant so much to


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